For the young women selected to wear the crown of Miss Rodeo Oklahoma, Miss Rodeo Oklahoma Teen and Miss Rodeo Oklahoma Princess, it is a life-changing journey. As representatives of their state, the ORPC and the sport of rodeo, they are educated, well spoken ambassadors. They become well-versed in sponsor relations, marketing and business skills. They are horsewomen, who can handle themselves in and around the arena. They generally love visiting with people, watching youngsters’ eyes light up taking a photo with “the queen” or sharing autographed photos and smiles with fans. Today’s titleholders are often social media influencers, connecting with followers they may never meet in person. Each brings their unique personality and skills to the role and leave forever changed by the experience. It takes courage to participate in pageants and be judged. Representing the titles of the storied Miss Rodeo Oklahoma program takes hard work and commitment. Hats off to our royalty—past, present and future! We invite you to explore the website to learn more about our current titleholders and review our six decades of history.