In 2019, Miss Rodeo Oklahoma contestants gathered around former Miss Rodeo Oklahoma Teen Stevi (Salzbrenner) Hillman. She was competing at the Woodward Elks Rodeo on the way to what was her 4th Wrangler NFR qualification, with more to follow. --Sherry Smith Photography
An Invitation for Program Alumni
We are proud of Oklahoma's young women who participate in the Miss Rodeo Oklahoma program. Past titleholders, of course, are respectfully recognized, but when we talk about alumni, that doesn’t just mean those who took home the crown. The Oklahoma Rodeo Pageants Council invites and welcomes alumni to return for a role with the organization. Several alumni provide annual contributions that make the pageant possible. Others are active ORPC members and officers. Some return to volunteer during the pageant. Others help garner items for auctions and other fundraisers. It’s rewarding to connect with the Miss Rodeo Oklahoma pageant community. This program is regarded for helping shape participants in ways that continue to have a positive impact for years to come. There is a way to stay involved.
Miss Rodeo Oklahoma Alumni
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